A safe and clean workplace with UV-C lamps
Corona made sure that companies have to be flexible. How do you deal with current hygiene regulations? Many companies have a Plan B, but what do you do as an organization if that plan also has to change in the future? That is why Staples Solutions developed a Plan C....
Problem-free cultivation with CleanLight
Protecting crops with UV-light instead of only using this light to grow isn't unknown. UV light isn't only used to disinfect (irrigation) water; it also protects plants against fungi and other culprits. Bejo, located in Warmenhuizen (NL), supplies seeds for various...
CleanLight tech improves sanitation standards for sesame seed “with little effect on flavor”
Global players in the sesame seed business are continually looking for ways to improve their product in terms of hygiene but without affecting flavor. CleanLight works with producers and traders to improve the hygiene levels for sesame using its installation hoods....
Best tactics for defeating gray mold in your marijuana growing operation
When growing Cannabis, dealing with grey mold on marijuana and bud rot is a reality. Growing Marijuana Perfectly wrote a great article about the best tactics for defeating gray mold. One of those tactics is to use UV-C Light. "Ultraviolet light kills gray mold or...
Growth Regulation – limiting internodal stretch: a step beyond “blue light”
In the production of ornamental plants, such as potted roses and Kalanchoe, it used to be quite common to utilize chemical growth regulators such as Bonzi, to reduce internodal stretch. These chemicals have come under increasing scrutiny in a number of markets. One of...
How does UV-c crop protection work?
UV-c crop protection uses a specific nanometer of 254nm. This UV-c nanometer is very effective against fungi and bacteria. This same nanometer is being used for 40-50 years in water disinfection and air disinfection. It has been proven the most effective and efficient...
How to control powdery mildew on cannabis?
Powdery mildew is an air borne fungus, it spreads through the air and the spores land on the leaves of the plants. There are some crucial aspects which can help to control and prevent the development of powdery mildew. Most growers cope with PM or Botrytis, depending...
Sharing experience with UV on strawberries at FruitLogistica
Strawberry growers across Europe are sharing their practical experience with UVc to protect their plants against powderymildew, Botrytis, Erwinia, etc. In fact, several sessions at FutureLab are dedicated to the variety of systems that are now in use: from handheld...
Why you should never, ever, spray Myclobutanil on Cannabis plants.
Grower Support Note: August 2017 Myclobutanil is an effective component in some pesticide sprays. That is, it kills fungi such as powderymildew and budrot. You find Myclobutanil in sprays such as “ Eagle 20 EW “. This fungicide belongs to the family of triazoles. Some...
Post-Harvest treatment with CleanLight UV
The use of CleanLight as a non-chemical alternative for post-harvest control of Botrytis is quickly gaining popularity. Rose bunching machines, for example, are already fitted with our lamps. Karel van Hattum of Jamafa, one of the world’s leading suppliers of cut...
UV Treatment on fruits and vegetables
UV-C Exposure enhances crops and activates defenses Dr. Rohanie Maharaj of The University of Trinidad and Tobago on effects of UV-C: "In the context of the different postharvest handling treatments, the potential of UV-C exposure has enormous possibilities as a...
UV light effective against powdery mildew
Stricter pesticide regulations force growers to use alternative methods: With regulations for the use of pesticides becoming stricter by the day, greenhouse growers have fewer tools available to keep their crop healthy in a responsible way. Especially for...
Berry healthy: project seeks biological disease control for organic strawberries
Project seeks biological disease control for organic strawberries Russ Wallace’s strawberries are full, ripe and darn good-looking. The trick is to keep them that way without conventional pesticides. Wallace, a fruit and vegetable specialist with Texas A&M...
Smartphones enlisted in the battle versus crop disease
Crop diseases, a major cause of famine, have always been diagnosed by visual inspection, though scientists today also use microscopes and DNA sequencing. But the first line of defense is still the keen eyes of farmers around the world, many of whom do not have access...
How to Identify and Prevent Powdery Mildew on Plants
Learn how to identify and prevent powdery mildew before it becomes a problem Identifying and preventing powdery mildew is crucial for the health of your plants. Powdery Mildew on plants is a big problem for growers. This blog post will help you identify and prevent...
The CleanLight Air vs Other Air Purification Systems
What is the difference between The CleanLight Air versus Other Air Purification Systems? Comparing the CleanLight Air to other "run of the mill" air purification systems you may see at a big box stores, is like comparing a...