

CleanLight has fine-tuned the traditional technology behind UV to be beneficial for your grow room. 

The human eye can only see a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is called the visible spectrum. The differences between the colors in the visible spectrum are measured by wavelength and are measured in nanometers. Light within the visible spectrum is between 400 and 700 nanometers.


Looking at the above illustration you can see that violet light is the lowest visible light on the spectrum. It is around 400 nanometers. Further to the left we see UV light. Ultraviolet light gets its name from the fact that it is just beyond violet. Ultraviolet Light is between the visible spectrum and x-ray spectrums.

Ultraviolet light occurs naturally in sunlight although much of it is blocked by the Ozone. The wavelength of ultraviolet light is between 100 and 400 nanometers. Just like the visible spectrum is broken up into different colors of light, so to is Ultraviolet light which is broken up into UVC, UVB and UVA light.

UVC light is between 100 and 280 nanometers.
UVB light is between 280 and 315 nanometers.
UVA light is between 315 and 400 nanometers.

Ultraviolet light occurs naturally in sunlight although much of it is blocked by the Ozone. The wavelength of ultraviolet light is between 100 and 400 nanometers. Just like the visible spectrum is broken up into different colors of light, so to is Ultraviolet light which is broken up into UVC, UVB and UVA light.
The positive germicidal properties of UV light have been known since the 1930s. Since then it has been used to sterilize workspaces, purify air and disinfect drinking water. CleanLight light is able to penetrate the outer membrane of microbes stopping them from reproducing.
The specific wavelength that combats fungus, bacteria and viruses on plants is combined with the parabolic reflector so it can be used in the horticulture. The large dose of UV used in air and water disinfection would be damaging to plants. The CleanLight Home & Garden uses a lower dose of UV than is used when disinfecting air or water. The Cleanlight method uses this low dose of UV light with frequent treatments giving the best results.

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